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BMD Beefs Up its Attorney Force with 7 New Hires

News Article

Published Akron Legal News, November 1, 2019

Founded in 2000 by three entrepreneurial and business-minded attorneys to provide a legal platform for companies and entrepreneurs in a wide variety of industries, BMD has been in growth mode ever since...Read the full article here.


BMD Names Kathryn Hickner to Cleveland Office Managing Partner, the Firm’s First Female Attorney Appointed to Role

Kathryn E. Hickner Promoted to Cleveland Office Managing Partner with Brennan Manna & Diamond

Recent Litigation Challenges the Affordable Care Act Preventive Services Requirement

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been met with numerous legal challenges. The most recent legal challenge, Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra, could affect millions of people covered by private health insurance.

BMD’s Director of Marketing Jennifer Shankleton Elected as President of the LMA Midwest Region for 2023

Congratulations to Jennifer Shankleton, BMD’s Director of Marketing, on her recent election to President of the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) Midwest Region for 2023!  LMA is a premier professional association focused on empowering marketing, business development, and client service professionals.

Brennan Manna & Diamond Attorneys Featured in The Best Lawyers in America© and Ones to Watch™ 2023 Report

Brennan Manna & Diamond (BMD) is pleased to announce 17 BMD attorneys have been voted by their peers as The Best Lawyers in America© and Ones to Watch in America™.

Physician Non-Competition Agreements 2022

Contract provisions with restrictions on physicians practicing in the same area should they change employment have been around for decades. In Ohio, courts continue to state that while provisions are generally disfavored, non-competition provisions remain enforceable. Specifically, as to physician non-competes, the courts note that such agreements are further scrutinized regarding the adverse effect on the public interest to keep healthcare professionals in a community. Courts have continued in more cases than not to enforce restrictive covenants against physicians.